Daily Flickr Finds: Suleyman Demi’s Miletos Amphitheatre

Miletos AmphitheatreHaving grown up in the Midlands (England), I know a thing or two about grid-based cities. Miletus, was the world’s first grid based city, designed by Hippodamus in 479BC. The city boasts your usual Ancient Greek features – arches, statues, and of course – Amphitheatres.

The Miletus Amphitheatre has three layers, with the underground layers constructed in 700BC and the ground level constructed in 100AD. Sleyman Demi’s photograph is of a corridor on the ground floor of the amphitheatre.

The photograph is a black and white shot which could easily be taken as a lighting study of the corridor. The opening is clearly visible as the light removes all detail, as the rest of the image perfectly accentuates the remains of the relic. The “light at the end of the tunnel” effect too is a nice touch which makes this a beautiful image!

Learn more about Miletus here at Heritage Key, and have a look through Sleyman Demi’s Flickr photostream too!