Virtual King Tut Flickr Photo Contest

Both photos taken by Prad Prathivi at Heritage Key King Tut Virtual

We want to see your best high resolution photos taken in King Tut Virtual, and will reward the most sublime shots with non-virtual cash. King Tut Virtual is part of the Heritage Key Grid – running on OpenSim with some extra magic added to it – and shows ancient Egypt, the Valley of the Kings and the treasures from Tutankhamun’s tomb. It is easy to register and have a look at what we have created, an area well worth of ‘snapshotting’.

Taking good, quality, high-resolution photographs anywhere in the metaverse takes quite a bit of time, effort and creative genius, so we are offering 100$ for the most fabulous high resolution shots taken in King Tut Virtual. Here are the rules:

* Your image needs to be at minimum 2000 by 3000 pixels. (Or 3000x2000px.) This means good enough for print.
* It needs to be submitted to the Heritage Key Virtual Flickr Group, and tagged ‘HKVX’.
* You must label each picture with your avatar name.
* Your photographs need to be submitted before Dec 4 2009.
* You can submit as many photographs as you want.

100$ each to three winners at the end. Yes Real Life dollars

* By participating in this contest the participants agree to put the winning photographs (at least 2000x3000px) up on Flickr under a Creative Commons Attribution license*, as well as on the Heritage Key & Rezzable Blog (under the same license).

You are allowed as many as entries you like, but please keep your clothes on. We’ll be featuring great shots as they come in on the Rezzable blog which is syndicated on several feeds.

Some tips:

* We like to see avatars exploring !
* What in King Tut Virtual would you show to your friends?
* What’s real in a virtual world?

Go to now to register your avatar and get started snapshotting!Any questions or assistance needed? Contact LokumShilova/Meral Crifasi or leave a comment here.

**For people in doubt: The Creative Commons Attribution license means that you keep the copyright to your images, but allow everybody to use the photograph for non-commercial as well as commercial use, as long as they supply attribution – credit you as the photographer.
GO Virtual and log in to Heritage Key at

See you at Heritage Key – Virtual King Tut !