Contests in King Tut Virtual

We haThe Locals hold the clues to the missing King Tut Death Mask.d a busy start to the week with the launch of an exciting new contest to give our readers a chance to win 1,000 worth of travel with Addison Lee – Just imagine taking the cab to jet around London whenever you want! As well as wonderful prizes we also now offer the chance to earn badges that you can show off on Facebook and share with your friends. To learn more about our “Meet the Driver” contest which is sponsored by Addison Lee, simply click here and get started .

Whilst the main contest is going on, we will be launching smaller fun quests around the Valley of the Kings where we will offer fun ways of exploring and earning exciting smaller prizes. We have been making mischief and have hidden King Tut’s Golden Mask in the Valley of the Kings. The locals hold the clues to the where the mask lies. Once you find it, you will earn your badge to share. To start your quest head over to Valley of the Kings and click on the Addison Lee Driver. complete your quest between 12th to the 26th July and get a chance to win a copy of The Treasures of Tutankhamun“.

Learning about the Life by the Nile. You can explore the virtual areas whenever you want to visit, but when the experience is shared with others it becomes more fun and exciting. Keeping this in mind we set up some live tours where I will be in the virtual areas to give you a planned tour of the selected area and also assist you with any questions you may have. I can help you to change your avatar’s look, to take virtual photographs or do something more adventurous while going through many quests together. Bring along a friend and join me at our weekly scheduled hours in Heritage Key Virtual.

Ihave started the first tour in the Nile area talking about the Life by the Nile. This region gives you a chance to see a slice of daily life in the 18th Dynasty at Amarna, Egypt during the reign of Akhenaten and Nefertiti. You can take part in a fun battle on a Nile river raft against each other or challenge the river gods. Have you ever played rock, paper, scissors game in a virtual world? You can even challenge me next time, so watch this space for more tours coming up. Click here to learn more about the Virtual Things To Do. We have also taken some breathtaking photos of the Nile in the Egyptian sunset – check out some of our photos in the Heritage Key Virtual Flickr Group.