Virtual Qumran

The UCLA team creatingand updating a virtual model of Qumran, the site where the Dead Sea Scrolls were found in caves, have now released free photos and videos of their work, which are now available to view and download from their website. Their project started in 2005 and has been continuing ever since,adding new archaeological information as it comes along. It includes a number of photos, and short videos which you can watch in high definition on their site, or on youtube.

The main aim of the project is not to bolster any one theory on how Qumran, or the DeadSeaScrolls,came to be, but rather to simply show what the site looks like, and provide a tool for teaching and research. It also allows them to test theories and research, and has already revealed some surprising results.

And the pictures look pretty cool as well!

Note check out Rome 3D and Karnak 3Don Heritage Key to see simulations created of those sites.

Click here to read an exclusive interview with Qumran excavator Yuval Peleg.

Click here to read a heritage expert profile of Dr. Robert Cargill

Qumran Reconstructed: An Aerial Overview

Qumran Reconstructed: The Locus 110 Iron Age Cistern

Images and video by UCLA Qumran Visualization Project.