Daily Flickr Finds: Sean Molin’s Stonehenge

Today’s Flickr Find comes from talented photographer Sean Molin, who beautifully depicts the iconic Stonehenge and portrays it in a dramatic and atmospheric shot. The use of the sepia tint takes away the colour of the shot, leaving the viewer to pay close attention to the great detail in the shot.

The dark skies indicate an impending storm advancing on the relic which has braved the elements for millenia, representing the resilience of this ancient monument as it continues to serve as a reminder of of our heritage.

Sean Molin notes that he is not keen on showing both the sepia and the colour versions of his capture on his Flickr stream, but I think it is a credit to his excellent post-production to turn an already beautiful picture into a fantastic portrayal, most definately worthy of the Heritage-Key select images pool.

There are several articles on Heritage Key that cover Stonehenge, as well as the recent Summer Solstice festival. As a potent symbol of British prehistory, it is one of the mysterious and most loved sites in the world, and Sean Molin’s photograph certainly does the monument justice!