Forensic Aspects of Ancient Egypt with Joyce Filer

Star in 'Mummy CSI' at Joyce Filer's study day 'Forensic Aspects of Ancient Egypt' at the University of LondonThe 21st century has seen incredible advances in our knowledge and use of forensic sciences – to investigate crimes and to find out about people from ancient times. How can we apply this information to the people of ancient Egypt? Find out – and test your own skills in a hands-on practical session – at ‘Forensic Aspects of Ancient Egypt‘ presented by Joyce Filer.

The study day – being repeated due to popular demand – will take place on Saturday the 20th of February and will add to your knowledge about the difference between male and female mummies (not as easyas you might think!), determining a mummy or skeleton’s age at death, discovering their medical history (heart problems, anybody?) and how facial reconstructions are done. All that and an info about a broad range of other scientific ‘mummy CSI’ techniques, as well as afternoon refreshments for only 30!

Joyce Filer – formerly Curator of Human & Animal Remains at the British Museum and one of the leading experts on mummies – has undertaken cemetery excavations (in Egypt, Sudan and Britain) and participated in many CT-scanning projects and forensic examinations (the body from KV55, possibly King Tut‘s brother). She wrote ‘The Mystery of the Egyptian Mummy‘ about Hornedjitef as well as other publications on ancient Egypt.

‘Forensic Aspects of Ancient Egypt’ presented by Joyce Filer will take place on Saturday the 20th of February from 11am to 5pm at the University of London, Garden Halls, Cartwright Gardens, London WC1. For booking (which is obliged, and done preferably before February 4th) information see this .pdf flyer.

As the effects of a temporarily malfunctioning immune system forced me to pass on the first edition of ‘Forensic Aspects of Ancient Egypt’, I’m really looking forward to getting a second chance at attending. Who else is attending?Great! Then please, do say ‘Hi!’ to the girl staring suspicious at the mummy whilst mumbling:”I hope this one does not decide to come to life today.” 😉