Daily Flickr Finds: Roy Filou’s Acropolis

Acropolis view, Athens. Image Credits - Roy FilouEasily the most recognisable heritage site in Greece, the Acropolis spans 3 hectares on a site which sits 150 metres above sea level. Much of this fascinating site remains today, albeit a little bit spread out! Roy Filou’s fantastic capture of this stunning site at dusk creates a shadowy and relaxed feel which portrays a warm feel.

The Older Parthenon was originally pillaged and burnt to the ground in 480BC after a Persian atatck on Athens. In the aftermath, the whole site was rebuilt during the Golden Age of Athens, overseen by Emperor Pericles and two prominent architects – Ictinus and Callicrates. Between 460BC and 415BC, much of the Acropolis had been rebuilt to much more glory.

When not being sent over to the British Museum in pieces (despite much talk of permission and censorships), the site of the Acropolis has also seen it been used as church in the Byzantine era, an administrative centre and as a military garrison, as well as being replicated into a restored state. Who said buildings can’t be multi-functional?

The Acropolis is also site of the New Acropolis Museum, designed by Bernard Tschumi and recently opened to the public, despite some controversy. It’s also been digitally replicated in a 3Dmodel that you can play around with!

Read more about the Acropolis here at Heritage Key, and have a look through Roy Filou’s photostream at Flickr!