Quest Your Way to Find the Mummies

Find out how the Ancient Egyptians created mummies in Heritage Key Virtual!Exploring is more fun now with the new Heritage Key Virtual Quest in the Treasures region!

As you land in the Arrivals Area after logging into Heritage Key Virtual, make your way to the teleports where you will see several destinations. Selecting “Treasures” will take you to King Tutankhamun’sGolden Shrine.

One of the museum guides will give you the keys that you will need to find the mummy. This is a short quest which will take you into the Golden Shrine. You will slowly open and enter the layers of the shrine and while doing you will get real close to the life-like example of the greatest find in archaeology. Be fascinated by each close-up zoom to Tutankhamun’s Golden Coffins; the details are breathtakingly intricate and stunning. Of course, we have bought some excitement to the questing and we can assure you if you are scared of heights and dark rooms, this will definitely do the trick.

Once you reach the end and find the key where the mummy is hiding you will be rewarded with a Quest Badge. By linking your Heritage Key account to your Facebook profile, you will then be able to share your Find the Mummy Badge on your Facebook wall. There are many other quests throughout the other regions. Do visit the Valley of the Kings where there is one short but fun quest to find the Golden Mask in the Valley of the Kings. Finish all quests, explore, have fun and share the rewards with your friends in Facebook.

While you are in Valley of the Kings don’t forget to click on the driver to have your chance to win a 1,000 worth of travel with Addison Lee, the London Based minicab company. Addison Lee will provide 1000 of cab rides in and around London to one lucky winner. The closing deadline to enter is today, so be quick!