Tag: Egyptian

Exodus Hydrodynamics: How the East Winds Parted the Red Sea

splitting the red sea according to hydrodynamicsThe biblical narrative of the crossing of the Red Sea has inspired and mystified people for millennia. So far, Archeologists and Egyptologists have found little direct evidence to substantiate many of the events described in Exodus, said to have taken place more than 3,000 years ago.

Now, a new study offers a new hydrodynamic explanation for the miracle a strong east wind, blowing overnight, could have created a land bridge (watch the video) and allowed for passage.

By pinpointing a possible site south of the Mediterranean Sea for the crossing, the study – based on a reconstruction of the likely locations and depths of Nile delta waterways, which have shifted considerably over time – could benefit experts seeking to research whether splitting of the Red Sea ever took place.

The computer model shows the winds pushing the water back at a bend where an ancient river is believed to have merged with a coastal lagoon – named the ‘Lake of Tanis’ by Herodotus – along the Mediterranean Sea. With the water pushed back into both waterways, a land bridge would have opened at the bend, enabling people to walk across exposed mud flats to safety. As soon as the wind died down, the waters would have rushed back in.

“The simulations match fairly closely with the account in Exodus,” says Carl Drews of the National Center for Atmospheric Research. “The parting of the waters can be understood through fluid dynamics. The wind moves the water in a way that’s in accordance with physical laws, creating a safe passage with water on two sides and then abruptly allowing the water to rush back in.”

Splitting the Red Sea? Map with Lake Tanis

The computer simulations by Carl Drews and University of Colorado at Boulder (CU) oceanographer Weiqing Han are intended to present a possible scenario of events.

The book of Exocus describes Moses and the fleeing Israelites trapped between the Pharaoh’s advancing chariots and a body of water that has been variously translated as the Red Sea or the Sea of Reeds. Although the biblical account attributes the splitting of the waters to the Lord’s power, it includes an east wind as natural component in the chain of events.

Then Moses stretched out his hand over the sea, and the Lord drove the sea back by a strong east wind all night and made the sea dry land, and the waters were divided. And the people of Israel went into the midst of the sea on dry ground, the waters being a wall to them on their right hand and on their left.

James Rennell's reconstruction of the Nile delta according to Herodotus

This enables the Israelites to flee to the other shore. When when the Pharaoh’s army attempts to pursue them in the morning, the waters rush back and drown the soldiers.

Reconstructing ancient topography

Studying maps of the ancient topography of the Nile delta, the researchers found an alternative site for the crossing about 75 miles north of the Suez reef and just south of the Mediterranean Sea.

Although there are uncertainties about the waterways of the time, some oceanographers believe that an ancient branch of the Nile River flowed into a coastal lagoon then known as the Lake of Tanis.

The two waterways would have come together to form a U-shaped curve.

Analysis of archeological records, satellite measurements, and current-day maps enabled the research team to estimate the water flow and depth that may have existed 3,000 years ago.

Using an ocean computer model to simulate the impact of an overnight wind at that site, the researchers found that a wind of 63 miles an hour, lasting for 12 hours, would have pushed back waters estimated to be six feet deep. This would have exposed mud flats for four hours, creating a dry passage about 2 to 2.5 miles long and 3 miles wide. The water would be pushed back into both the lake and the channel of the river, creating barriers of water on both sides of newly exposed mud flats.

As soon as the winds stopped, the waters would come rushing back, much like a tidal bore. Anyone still on the mud flats would be at risk of drowning.

Video: The Physics of a Land Bridge

Sustained winds can cause an event known as a wind setdown, in which water levels are temporarily lowered. This computer animation (by Tim Scheitlin and Ryan McVeigh, NCAR) shows how a strong east wind over the Nile Delta could have pushed water back into ancient waterways after blowing for about nine hours, exposing mud flats and possibly providing an overland escape route similar to the biblical account of the Red Sea parting.

The set of 14 computer model simulations also showed that dry land could have been exposed in two nearby sites during a windstorm from the east.

However, those sites contained only a single body of water and the wind would have pushed the water to one side rather than creating a dry passage through two areas of water.

“People have always been fascinated by this Exodus story, wondering if it comes from historical facts,” Drews says. “What this study shows is that the description of the waters parting indeed has a basis in physical laws.”

Alternative Theories for the Red Sea Escape Route

Scientists from time to time have tried to study whether the parting of the waters, can also be understood through natural processes.


Some have speculated about a tsunami, which would have caused waters to retreat and advance rapidly. Such an event would not have caused the gradual overnight divide of the waters as described in the Bible, nor would it necessarily have been associated with winds.

Wind Setdown & Underwater Reef

Other researchers have focused on a phenomenon known as “wind setdown,” in which a particularly strong and persistent wind can lower water levels in one area while piling up water downwind. Wind setdowns, which are the opposite of storm surges, have been widely documented, including an event in the Nile delta in the 19th century when a powerful wind pushed away about five feet of water and exposed dry land.

A previous computer modeling study into the Red Sea crossing by a pair of Russian researchers, Naum Voltzinger and Alexei Androsov, found that winds blowing from the northwest at minimal hurricane force (74 miles per hour) could, in theory, have exposed an underwater reef near the modern-day Suez Canal. This would have enabled people to walk across.

But according to Drews and Han, the ‘reef scenario’ is unlikely. The reef would have had to be entirely flat for the water to drain off in 12 hours. A more realistic reef with lower and deeper sections would have retained channels that would have been difficult to wade through. In addition, the scientists are skeptical if refugees could have crossed during nearly hurricane-force winds.

The study (published in the online journal PLoS ONE as ‘Dynamics of Wind Setdown at Suez and the Eastern Nile Delta‘) is part of a larger research project by Drews into the impacts of winds on water depths, including the extent to which Pacific Ocean typhoons can drive storm surges.

Interview: Barbara Racker on Neighbourly Relations Between Nubia and Egypt

Several artefacts in the exhibition originate from Meroe, Sudan. Image Credit - Grete Howard.The Nubians get short shrift when it comes to recognition of significant ancient cultures. A new exhibition at the Clay Center in West Virginia, US, hopes to rectify that. It is cleverly entitled: Lost Kingdoms of the Nile, but the artefacts are all Nubian, not Egyptian. (The subtitle is: Nubian Treasures from the Museum of Fine Arts Boston.) The exhibition runs from Sept. 12, 2009 to April 11, 2010.

Part of the problem for the Nubians, of course, is the rock-star quality of their neighbors, the Ancient Egyptians, who persistently dominate the imaginative landscape when it comes to ancient things. Most of us have to wrack our brains to make the distinction. Nubians have been ignored until recently, said Barbara Racker, Curator at the Clay Center. There was a major exhibition in 1976, and then the Museum of Fine Arts Boston opened a gallery dedicated to Nubian culture in the early 1990s, but it was subsequently closed to make space for other collections.

TheEgyptians and the Nubians

So, whats the difference? Heres the deal: Nubia was a Nile River-based culture, but further up the Nile from Egypt, deeper into Africa, stretching from Aswan to Khartoum in what is now Sudan. They had gold, which was an advantage over the neighboring Egyptians, but they also had cataracts six major rapids in the Nile which meant the river did not form the extraordinary highway that enabled the easy growth of trade and cultural exchange that it did in Ancient Egypt. The first phases of Nubian culture, named A-Group and C-Group by George Reisner, stretches from 3100 BC to 1500 BC and became much more powerful in subsequent periods – Kerma, Napatan and Meroitic. A treaty with the Romans around 23 BC allowed the Nubians to outlast the Egyptians, as Racker likes to point out. The Nubian civilization was impressive through the Meroitic period which ended about 350 AD.

Map of the Nubia region.Until three decades ago, Nubians were considered lesser than Egyptians, says Racker. But weve a lot to learn, still. What we do know is that Nubia had a troubled relationship with Egypt; often enemies, sometimes slaves, at one point even united into a single Kingdom. Because Nubians were superior bowmen, they were often used as protectors for Egyptian royalty. But this is ironic, Racker points out, since Nubians invented the concept of kingship. They made fabulous pottery a thousand years before their neighbors to the north , and they were superior engineers, too, discovering the importance of leverage before the Egyptians, allowing them to make much steeper, although smaller, pyramids.

But they admired the Egyptians greatly, says Racker. When Nubia took over and ruled the whole of Egypt and Nubia for 60 years during the 25th Dynasty (760-656 BC), it was to the Egyptian past that they turned for inspiration. They wanted to recreate the glory and grandeur of the former Egypt, explains Racker. So it was really a renaissance culture.

The Exhibition of Nubian Culture

The exhibition, which contains 200 artefacts and a great deal of interpretative material, is mostly from the collection at the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, including objects from the royal tombs of el Kurru, Nuri, and Mero which date from the Prehistoric Period to the Roman era (3100 BC to 246 AD). Sculpture, stone relief elements, gold and silver jewelry, ceramic and alabaster vessels, and other items illustrate ancient Nubian art, funerary customs, warfare, and daily life, uncovering the rich and diverse aspects of one of the worlds great, yet often overlooked civilizations. The highlight of the show is not from Boston, but from the Michael C. Carlos Museum in Atlanta, Georgia, which has loaned the Coffin of Neskashuti, (Dynasty 25, 760-656 BC). This colorful coffin belonged to a priest (Divine Father of Min) named Neskashuti. The broad facial features and sculptural design are typical of coffins of the Nubian Dynasty, which Racker points out is a true black African culture, unlike the Ancient Egyptian one. Until the mid-20th century, many historians didnt accept that Nubians leaders were black because the civilization was too sophisticated, says Racker. Even the eminent archaeologist, George Reisner, didnt understand this; he believed that Nubia kings were light-skinned Egypto-Libyans.

The Pyramids of Nuri, Northern Sudan. Image Credit - Vt Hassan.The aim of this exhibition, explains Racker, is to give the visitor a better understanding of Nubian culture, and to see that its not lesser to Egypt. They adopted customs and art from Egypt but were different in a lot of ways.

Even more exciting, there are traces of Nubian culture alive today, especially in music, which is played at the exhibition. Visitors are treated to tracks from modern-day musicians including Mahmoud Fadl, Hamza-El-Din, and Ali Hassan Kuban.

The 5,000 sq. ft. exhibition is laid out chronologically in 36 cases, some of them very large. The last part features artifacts from the Adena culture in West Virginia, which is one of the oldest in North America, running from 1,000 BC to 1 AD. It includes tools, a clay pipe and copper jewelry and, for Racker, is a great way to bring visitors back to the ancient history of the land in which theyre viewing these extraordinary evidences of an important culture far away in time and space.

Top Ten Artefacts at the Neues Museum in Berlin

The Neues Museum re-establishes itself as one of the premier ancient world destination in Europe–and the world really– after being closed since 1939. The collection combined with the restored/re-imagined building delivers an experience that every real ancient world explorer needs to embrace.

Neues Museum - Main Entrance Stairs

You need to get straight to the Main Stairs to start your exploration of the Neues. Feel the vibrations of history from the not so old Soviet bullet holes that still pepper the structural walls nearest the windows to the romanesque columns and classical castings from the Parthenon. Use the modern stairs to transport yourself across time and history at the Neues.

I made a fast blast through the museum this week and here is my short list of 10 items not to miss when you make your visit. Ilisted them in a sort of random tour as well. It jumps you across the Museum, perhaps not in the most efficient manner, but if you are in a rush, well plan a better day out and take your time to breathe it all in. (Don’t worry I will also share more photos and comments about more of the collection as well).

Nefertiti Bust Photo Slideshow

The Nefertiti Bust

1351 BC – Amarna, Egypt (Room 210)

Certainly the most famous and iconic of all the pieces in the Neues Collection, Nefertiti is the reigning Queen of Berlin’s Museum Island. I suppose she has gained a most unexpected afterlife.

The presentation of this artefact is stunning and impacts us to link the ancient with the modern world. I would go straight to this piece, via the main staircase, when first visiting the Neues and then come back again before you leave.

Helios at the Neues Museum Berlin, Oct 15, 2009


136AD – Lycopolis, Egypt (Room 2003)

Facing Nefertiti from the furtherest end of the Neues to the other is the roman statue of Helios discovered at Lycopolis, theGraeco-Roman name for the modern day city of Asyut.

Isuppose it is some sense of humor to have Nefertiti, the wife of Akhenaten–the Sun God/King, facing the Sun God.

collection house altar

The House Alatar

(Room 209)

Take a loop across the 2nd Floor and come all the back around to see this incredible family scene of Akhenaten and Nefertiti with their children. The scene is rich in meaning as well as being incredily sharp and well preserved.

collection gold hat

The Golden Hat

5th to 8th Century BC, Discovery Site Unknown (Room 305)

Leap up and way across the 3rd floor to see the weird, shimmering Gold Hat. You can imagine how the archaeologists that discovered this artefact must have been thinking at first “what is this thing?”

700,000 Years Old Biface

700,000 years old (Room 302)

Let your mind loose to consider the ocean of time that we are swimming in. Early man carved tools, such as this neolithic biface, to hunt and cut things. Have we really changed that much?

Troy Gold at Neues Museum Berlin, Oct 15, 2009

Schlieman’s Troy Treasures

(Room 103-104)

Ithink understanding Schlieman will also help understand the somewhat eccentric feel of the Neues Museum. Here are some of his great discoveries from Troy in his adventures to discover the heroes from Homer’s legends of the Illiad and Odyssey.

You can also note the comments about how some much of the German collections were sacked by the Soviets and still are in Russia to this day.

collection lion sarc

Lion Sarcophagus

3rd Century AD – Rome, Italy (Room 012)

The way the Lions curl away from this sarcophagus is extraordinary. They are the fierce guardains of the spirit of the dead.

collection dionysus vert


2nd half 1st Century BC – Rome (Room 004)

The statue of Dionysus is a very elegant and well presented sculpture.

collection amenemhat long

King Amenemhat III

1840 BC – Memphis, Egypt (Room 110)

The walk down the hall to see the statue of Amenemhat III is perhaps the highlight of the entire Neues Museum–you are meant to start your visit here I think, but Iwould put it in the end of a tour as it makes you see the entire collection fresh.

The mix of ancient, streamlined sculptures and the shabby-chic wall decorations are inspiring.

collection seti column tight

Seti I

Valley of the Kings, Egypt (Room 110)

A section from probably the most gorgeous tomb ever discovered. The discovery of Seti I’s tomb in the Valley of the Kings was the greatest find prior to King Tut.

Now the tomb is closed, so seeing this great column section in Neues is a spectacular treat. The colors and detail are awesome.

There are of course many, many more things to see at the Neues. At least the Top 10 items above will give you a flavour of what is awaiting every ancient world explorer at the newest part of Berlin’s Museum Island.

Hat Trick Victory Against Artefact Looting

A hat-trick of victories have been won around the world this week in the global fight against the theft and sale of archaeological artefacts a multi-million dollar international industry. The arrest of three men in Bulgaria in connection with their possession of a number of precious Roman coins and other items is particularly heartening, since it offers some sign that the tide might be turning in the struggle against a black-market industry that has been destroying the countrys rich ancient heritage.

In the US on Wednesday, the former head of Long Island Universitys Hillwood Museum Barry Stern, was arrested and charged with the theft of nine items each over 2,000 years old from the museums collection. The artefacts among which are wood, bronze, quartz and limestone models of Egyptian mythical figures had turned up in London fine art auctioneers Christies catalogue in June, ten months after Sterns contract had been terminated. They went on to sell for a total of $51,000. Stern told authorities that the items had been gifts from his parents, but he was later forced to admit his guilt. Hell now be charged with lying to an FBI agent, as well as theft.

Topping Stern for stupidity is James Edward Truhls of Eureka, California, who on Monday pleaded guilty to illegal excavations and the removal of artefacts from a Native American heritage site at Patricks Point State Park, a year on from his arrest. In 2008, several disturbances had been reported at Patricks Point by the Yurok Tribe, who oversee and maintain the land. How did the police go on to catch this cunning criminal? After spotting a video Truhls posted of himself on Youtube, digging at said archaeological hotspot. Hes looking at up to a year in a county jail and a fine of $10,000.

How did the police go on to catch this cunning criminal? After spotting a video Truhls posted of himself on Youtube, digging at the site.

The arrests in Bulgaria were made in the western town of Bobovdol. The three men aged 41, 42, and 52, all with previous criminal convictions were caught carrying 30 bronze Roman coins, dating from between the 1st century BC and 5th century AD, as well as two Roman rings, a spear head and lead melts. They confessed that the items been found near the village of Chukovets; nearby, archeologists from the Regional History Museum in the city of Kyustendil later discovered a religious plaque with Greek inscriptions dedicated to the Thracian god Heros.

Once comprising the bulk of the ancient kingdom of Thrace, Bulgaria is steeped in ancient history, and according to some experts could thrive as a cultural tourism hotspot in the same way as Greece or Italy. But the impoverished former Soviet States government has made scant attempt to build a tourist industry around its heritage sites, and instead allowed a massive illegal industry in the theft and sale of archaeological artefacts to spring up over the last 20 years. A tougher stance on Bulgarias treasure hunters has been promised hopefully these arrests reflect that new approach.

Picture by Klearchos Kapoutsis. All rights reserved.

Is Plastic Surgery Fan the Reincarnation of Nefertiti… or King Tut?

It seems that Michael Jackson wasnt the only person to put himself through extensive cosmetic surgery in order to make himself look like a bust of an ancient Egyptian. Nileen Namita, a 49-year-old artist from Brighton, has undergone no less than 51 cosmetic operations, spending over 200,000 pounds in the process, in order to sculpt herself into the living image of Queen Nefertiti.

King TutReplica of the bust of Queen Nefertiti 18th Dynasty Egypt

Namita says, in her interview with the Daily Mail:

Throughout my childhood and teen years I had constant vivid dreams of this ancient queen. They were visions of incredible intensity – I could see where she lived, her servants, her rooms, even the food she ate – and although at first I found the dreams frightening, I began to research what they meant.

Aged 23 I underwent psychoanalysis with a counsellor. Slowly I began to realise that I was having these dreams because I am a reincarnation of Nefertiti.

Which Mummy?

The before and after photos show just how radical a transformation Namita has undergone. Her new shapely lips and smokey eyes certainly reflect Nefertiti’s glamourous look. But how authentic is the famous bust that Namita’s plastic surgeon presumably used as a model? Evidence suggests that the bust may be a fake, created in the 1920s.If so, it could reveal more about the art deco fashions of the time than the accurate physical characteristics of Nefertiti.

“Slowly I began to realise that I was having these dreams because I am a reincarnation of Nefertiti”

Before the surgery, Namita bore more of a resemblance to 3D reconstructions of King Tut the soft-faced, feminine, youthful-looking King of the same era – than to the famous queen.

There is some evidence that Nefertiti could actually have been the mother of King Tut, or, more probably, his mother-in-law. Certainly, most experts agree that Nefertitis husband, Akhenaten, was the father of the boy king.

Perhaps Namita’s counsellor got it wrong, and she is actually the reincarnation of King Tut? That would explain why she has such vivid memories of teatime with Nefertiti!

I Bet That Tut Looks Good on the Dancefloor

Lost for moves? Tired of busting out the same old body popping/moonwalk/drunk-uncle-at-a-wedding? You could take your dancing lines from Jacko, Wade Robson or even Michael Flatley (if you don’t mind being alone for the rest of your life). But how about Tutankhamun? The boy-king may be making waves in stateside museums right now, but he’s been influencing the best underground dancers on both sides of the Atlantic for over twenty years with the ‘Tut’ – and I don’t mean Steve Martin’s Saturday Night Live performance. Amateurs be warned: it may take a bit more practice than karaoke night down the local to hone your moves to the standard of this frankly incredible rendition:

According to Wikipedia, the dance craze dates back to the eighties, and uses the wrists, elbows and shoulders to create right angles in an Egyptian style. It took on the name ‘Tutting’, or the ‘King Tut‘ as a reference to the effect of Tutankhamun on western popular culture. Of course, who could forget the late, great Michael Jackson‘s opulent homage to King Tut and the Egyptian empire with his 1992 hit Remember the Time:

Did Michael Jackson Model Himself on This Egyptian Statue?

A few weeks ago, I speculated that Jeff Koons’ statue Michael Jackson & Bubbles was inspired by Tutankhamun. With his deathmask-like face and opulent gilding, Koons’ Michael seemed eerily reminiscent of the boy king. One extremely expensive burial featuring in-your-face-Tut’esque golden coffin later, the parallels between the two icons started adding up. Now, an ancient Egyptian statue in Chicago’s Field Museum has been seen to show a shocking similarity to the face of the late Michael Jackson.

The Chicago Sun-Timespointed outthat Jacksoncould have actually modelled himself on the limestone statue:

The limestone bust, which went on public display in 1988, was carved during the New Kingdom Period (1550 B.C. to 1050 B.C.); the same time period as Ramesses and King Tut… In 1993, Jackson, whose face was then virtually identical to the statue, cut a video titled “Remember The Time,” which he sets in ancient Egypt – during the time of the Pharaoh Ramesses.

Click here to watch the video for Remember The Time on Youtube, or watch it below (Eddie Murphy plays Ramesses!).

Distinguishing Feature

Michael Jackson and Bubbles

Michael Jackson may have baulked at the irony of both his own nose, and that of the statue, disintegrating in later years. The statue’s nose now bears an uncanny likeness to the late star’s own over-worked feature. The chicago-ist adds:

A spokesperson at the Field Museum told us, “according to the curator, 95% of Egyptian statues and busts were defiled by early Christians and Muslims because they were used for idolatry. They looked at these as idols and taking the nose off made them ‘non-human.'”

Perhaps, though, he would have enjoyed the comparison to the ‘Boy King’ – another grown man who was thrust into the limelight from an early age. King Tut is often thought of as a child – a perception that

Jackson, whose face was then virtually identical to the statue, cut a video titled “Remember The Time,” which he sets in ancient Egypt – during the time of the Pharaoh Ramesses

Jackson seemed to have of himself, but which somehow, and perhaps in a sinister way, was warped. In the end, at least he achieved the moniker of ‘king’.

Thankfully, Tut fans can now mould their own face and body, and vent their passion for ancient Egypt, in Heritage Key’s Virtual King Tut, potentially rendering the need for plastic surgery redundant.

Log in to create your own heroic avatar – we won’t tell.

Daily Flickr Finds: gh0stdot’s Abu Simbel

Part of the Nubian Monuments, Abu Simbel is an ancient site home to two rock temples in the south of Egypt. A beautiful tribute build by Pharoah Ramesses II to his queen Nefertari, they had the alterior motive of commemorating the Battle of Kadesh, as well as the added bonus of intimidating the neighbours!Nothing like a massive temple or two to show the region who’s boss!

The beauty of this monumental structure is depicted perfectly in gh0stdot’s photograph. Choosing to portray the two ancient statues at an angle which captures them from below, and results in a picture including the sky, the effect is one which shows the great detail that went into these structures. The colour is very rich and glows the stone from which it is made, and the dramatic shading really punctuates this photograph to life.

Be sure to check out gh0stdot’s photostream for some truly stunning shots of ancient relics around the world.

‘Transgender’ Mummy Discovered in Birmingham Museum Collection

Namenkhetamun - There is a large hole in the mummy’s back. No explanation has been found for this. (Photo Birmingham Museum)Not even a month after 4 brave mummies left the Brooklyn Museum to have themselves scanned, and ‘Lady Hor’ proved to be a male mummy – “scrotum and penis pretty well preserved”, another round of mummy CSIuncovered yet another case of ‘transgender’ behaviour amongst mummies. The Birmingham Museum took three mummies to the Stafford Hospital in a bid to understand how these ancient Egyptians, whose bodied were later mummified, died.

One of the mummies, from the Namenkhetamun of the 26th Dynasty (664-525BC), was described as ‘the daughter of Amunkhau’ on the coffin lid. But the scan has revealed the mummy is male. Researchers also discovered another mystery – an unexplained hole in the mummy’s back, about the size of a fist.

3D scan of the Graeco Roman mummy's skull (Photo Birmingham Museum)Museum staff also wanted to learn more about a ‘metallic’ object in the neck of a Graeco-Roman mummy, discovered on x-rays in 1995. The head contains three or four fragments of a dense unidentified material lodged in the base of the skull. This was previously thought to be an arrowhead but no entry or exit wounds are visible. The brain has been completely removed via the nose. Instead, the CT-scans have revealed the object is in fact one of three or four fragments – probably metal – lodged in the base of the skull.

Scans of Padimut, priest of the goddess Mut and probably of the 21st Dynasty (1085-935 BC), showed evidence of high quality mummification – including removal of the brain and ‘false eyes’ plates in front of the real eyeballs. These are possibly made from stone or glass.

Birmingham Museums curator of world cultures, Adam Jaffer, said: This scanning has produced views of the museums mummies which have never been seen before. We have been able to virtually unwrap them without causing any damage. But scanning poses new questions about the life and death of these ancient Egyptians which we will try to find the answers for.