Dreaming of becoming an Archaeology Intern? Let our Zahi Hawass Videos Inspire You!

Dr Zahi Hawass is the star of new History Channel series 'Chasing Mummies', but if that's not your cup of tea, then why not watch his Heritage Key videos?Ever thought about a job that takes you across the length and breadth of Egypt, exploring the desert sands to find treasures and valuable artefacts that haven’t been touched in thousands of years?A career which gives you responsibility for some of the most famous and significant finds in history (as well as trying to get back others)?A vocation which earns you the nickname “Pharaoh” for your control over who gets to uncover the antiquities still to be found amidst the heat. And lets not forget starring in your own History Channel TV show!

Dr Zahi Hawass, the Director of the Egyptian Supreme Council of Antiquities is such the man, known in the archaeology world as “The Pharaoh” for this tough style. His TVshow “Chasing Mummies” has recieved mixed reactions, but nevertheless, it can’t be denied that Dr Hawass holds one of archaeology’s most inspiring jobs.

Though the History Channel’s take on Zahi may leave audiences confused on the amount of actual archaeology they’re learning about, Heritage Key can offer you more of an Egyptology insight from Zahi Hawass, and we have several videos and images to show it!

HD Video: The Discovery of an Intact Tomb at Saqqara (ft. Dr. Hawass)

Check out the map below to see some of our collection of videos featuring Dr Hawass as he shares his knowledge of Ancient Egypt and explores some of the tombs hidden away in the Sahara, and be inspired by the amazing treasures still being uncovered today!

The full list of Heritage Key videos featuring Dr Zahi Hawass:

You can watch Heritage Key’s full collection of videos on the Video Page, including Kathleen Martinez and her search with Dr Hawass for the Tomb of Cleopatra and Dr Janice Kamrin giving a tour of Animal Iconography in the Egyptian Museum, Cairo. And see the Golden Mask and visit the Valley of the Kings, as well as much much more in Heritage Key Virtual, where you can also explore the famous Tomb of King Tutankhamun!