Tag: Manhood Search and Recovery Society

Members Wanted: Manhood Search and Recovery Metal Detector Society

Treasure HunterGot a metal detector? Into archaeology? Lost your, ahem, manhood? Then the Manhood Search and Recovery Society is for you a newly-formed body promoting conscientious metal detecting in the West Sussex area of England, as well as the important role it can play in archaeology and, with it, local history. In the long term, the society aims to swell its ranks to the point where it can assistant in major archaeological digs.

Responsible metal detectorists play a big part in our understanding of the region and our place, organisation founder Steve Lawrence told the Midhurst and Petworth Observer. Our first meeting has already attracted interest and members.

Its only 12 a year to join, and anyone signing-up now will have the added honour of knowing that theyre one of the societys founding fellows (the first 50 will receive a natty embroided badge to say as much). Onboard so far are all from a teenager to a chap in his 90s. Nighthawkers those who engage in illegal metal detecting at heritage sites, usually after dark need not apply, since the society has a zero tolerance towards such frowned-upon practices according to its website. And Bulgarian career scavengers are right out of the question.

Nighthawkers those who engage in illegal metal detecting at heritage sites after dark need not apply.

Anyone who has misplaced a metal object of value to them on open land are welcome to get in touch though, because the Manhood Search and Recovery Society offers a free finds recovery service, whereby theyll track down your lost item en gratis, provided youve got a rough idea of where it is. Its all good practice todays set of missing car keys is tomorrows horde of valuable Roman coins.