Tag: Malaria

Tutankhamun’s Chariot on its Way to New York City

The Chariot - found in the Antechambre - is unique, in that it does not look like the other chariots found, and does not appear in wall paintings. - Image courtesy of the Egyptian MuseumNews that King Tut’s chariot will leave Egyptto join the final leg of the ‘Tuankhamun and the Golden Age of the Pharaohs’ exhibition in New York its first trip abroad has been confirmed by an SCA press release. In the same release Dr Hawass and his team say they continue to stand behind the findings published in JAMA earlier;King Tut died of complications from malaria and Kohlers disease.

Mr. Farouk Hosni, Minister of Culture, confirmed that one of King Tuts chariotsis travelingto New York City, the first time that a chariot from Tutankhamun’stomb will be allowed out of Egypt. The chariot will arrive in New York City on Wednesday and will be accompanied by a conservator and the Director of the Luxor Musuem, where the chariot is currently displayed.

Maybe it was King Tut’s hunting chariot, or just a fun, nimble knock-around – the 18th dynasty’s equivalent of a privileged young man’s sports car

The Odd One Out

This chariot that is on its way to the Discovery Times Square Exposition(Dr Hawass would have preferred the MET) stands outfrom the other five chariots found among Tutankhamun’s burial treasures. Compared to the ceremonial chariots(see the slideshow here), it lacks decoration and has a very light, open sided construction. Its tires are extremely worn, suggestingthechariot was used frequently in hunting expeditions, possibly by the young king. Howard Carter – who found the chariot in the south-east corner of the Antechamber along with three other chariots, described the chariot as, of more open, lighter construction probably for hunting or exercising purposes.

Maybe it was King Tut’s hunting chariot, or just a fun, nimble knock-around – the 18th dynasty’s equivalent of a privileged young man’s sports car, Helen appropriately proposes in our earlier announcement.

Earlier CT-scans (theirdataused to ‘3D print’ an exact clone of King Tut’s mummy for the Discovery Square exhibition) have shown that King Tutankhamun suffered a fracture to his left leg, which is often attributed to as apparently, there were no stairs to tumble down from in Ancient Egypt a ‘hunting accident’. Dr Hawass says the Boy King’s broken bone makes the inclusion of Tutankhamuns chariot to the New York exhibit even more interesting; the young king may have fallen from this very chariot. He adds, As we discover more about Tutankhamuns death, we may find that this very chariot is an important piece of the puzzle that weve been working for decades to solve.

Sandro Vannini - King Tut Hunting Box

Team stands behind ‘Malaria and Kohler’s Disease’

The second part of the statement concerns the medical report detailing the testing done on Tutankhamun and members of his family that was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association. The article, Ancestry and Pathology in King Tutankhamuns Family (and accompanying TVdocumentary ‘King Tut Unwrapped’)describes how Dr. Hawass and his team uncovered part of the King Tut family tree, as well as a probable cause of death.

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The Death of King Tut: Murder or Accident? (feat. Dr. Zahi Hawass)
Some of the most asked questions about King Tutankhamun have centred around his death, and whether he was murdered. Dr Zahi Hawass enlightens us in this video on how the latest technology has been used to find the answer this question.

Besides the usual responses – debate about racial genetics (King Tut is Scottish?) and left-out Pharaohs (Smenkhare) – scientists from Hamburgs Bernhard Noct Institute for Tropical Medicine replied to research in a letter send to JAMA. In the letter, they dispute the claims that King Tut died of malaria, and suggest sickle-cell disease as an alternative cause of death. The SCA’s statement reads that while some of the symptoms between malaria and sickle-cell disease are similar, Dr. Hawass and his team, stand behind their findings and reaffirm that Tutankhamun died of complications from malaria and Kohlers disease, an ailment that effects blood supply to the bones.

King Tut Died of Sickle Cell Disease, not Malaria

king Tut's Death Mask - Did he suffer from the genetic blood disorder Sickle Cell Disease?King Tut died from sickle-cell disease, not malaria, say experts. German researchers at Hamburg’s Bernhard Noct Institute for Tropical Medicine (BNI) have rejected a theory put forward by Egyptian antiquities chief Zahi Hawass, claiming sickle-cell disease (SCD) caused King Tut‘s early demise. A team led by Dr Hawass had said a combination of Khler disease and malaria was the primary cause of Tutankhamun’s death. Yet the German team are calling for more tests on the boy-king’s DNA, which they say will easily confirm or deny their claim.

The BNI team have cast doubt on Hawass’ conclusions, after studying DNA tests and CT-scans used in the article, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (and accompanied by a host of television documentaries) in February this year.

Hawass’ team claimed DNA tests showed segments of the malaria parasite Plamodium Falciparum. A CT-scan (data of which was also used for this awesome reconstruction of King Tut’s mummy) then showed evidence of Kohler II disease, a bone disorder prohibiting blood flow, in Tutankhamun’s left foot. The team concluded that the king, weakened by the bone disorder, succumbed to malaria.

Yet a letter from BNI‘s Dr Christian Timmann and Prof Christian Meyer to JAMA says Hawass may be mistaken. Malaria in combination with Khler’s disease causing Tutankhamun’s early death seems unlikely to us, they say. The BNI team feels the hereditary SCD would have been a far more probable cause of death.

Sickle-cell disease is an important differential diagnosis: one that existing DNA material can probably confirm or rule out

Timmann and Meyer also note that bone abnormalities shown on the mummy’s CT-scans can be interpreted differently. They claim the defects, though consistent with Khler’s disease, are also compatible with osteopathologic lesions seen in SCD.

Sickle-cell disease – a genetic blood disorder characterised by red blood cells assuming a sickle shape – occurs frequently in malarial regions, and can result in complications like the bone disfigurements discovered on King Tut.

The genetic predisposition for (sickle-cell disease) can be found in regions where malaria frequently occurs, including ancient and modern Egypt. Meyer explains. The disease can only manifest itself when sickle cell trait is inherited from both parents, it is a so-called recessive inheritance. The haematological disorder occurs in 9 to 22 per cent of people living in Egyptian oases. Having just one of the two alleles of SCD gives a better chance of survival in malaria-endemic areas, when infestation is halted by the sickling of the cells it infests.

It is known to those who study tropical diseases, writes Timmann, that in areas where malaria occurs deaths due to malaria occur most frequently during childhood. Tutankhamun died aged 19, making a malaria-related death improbable. However SCD, while inherited at birth, is most likely to result in fatal complications between childhood and early adulthood.

A family tree of King Tut, suggested by Hawass himself, appears to further the German team’s case. The relatively old age of Tutankhamun’s parents and relatives up to 50 years means they could very well have carried the sickle-cell trait, and could therefore have been highly resistant to malaria. The high likelihood that King Tut’s parents were in fact siblings means he could have inherited the gene from both and suffered from SCD.

Sickle-cell disease is an important differential diagnosis: one that existing DNA material can probably confirm or rule out, conclude Timmann and Meyer. They suggest that further testing of ancient Egyptian royal mummies should bear their conclusions in mind.

King Tut’s young demise has long been a source of speculation. As well as malaria, recent decades have seen scholars argue that he was murdered, and that he died from infection caused by a broken leg.

Who Was King Tut’s Great-Grandfather? Meet Yuya, the Warrior of the Family

The latest Tut research has revealed a king who, while still in his teens, probably had to walk around with a cane (as seen in this stele), had a cleft palette, suffered from malaria and had a spine that was out of whack. As an Egyptologist told me today, this pretty much kills the idea of King Tut as a sort of warrior king who died in a chariot accident.

But for those wanting to see a warrior in the family, you may be interested in another research finding. The new Tut research has confirmed who one set of King Tuts great-grandparents were. And it seems that his great-grandfather did have a military background even though he was not a pharaoh.

Yuya and Thuya were found buried in a private tomb in the Valley of the Kings (KV46) in 1905.Their family line runs like this:

Yuya and Thuya are the parents of Queen Tiye, who in turn is the husband of the pharaoh Amenhotep III, who in turn is thefather of the pharaoh Akhenaten who is (almost definitely) the father of Tut.

Now, you dont get your own tombin the Valley of the Kings unless youre pretty powerful, and these two were certainly no exception. But, while their descendents are household names, Yuya and Thuya are not as well known. You will be hard pressed to find many scholarly articles that discuss these two in depth.

In his book, Whos Who in Ancient Egypt, author Michael Rice describes Yuya as something of a warrior: “[Yuya was] master of the Horse and hence held important military responsibilities. The title Father of the God was conferred on Yuya, and his prestige and standing at court was correspondingly enhanced. When Akhenaten became Crown Prince his power was augmented correspondingly.

King Tut, seems to have had a run of bad luck when it came to health. To put it bluntly, he was in worse shape in his teens then his great-grandfather was when he was an old man

Any military responsibilities would have been important. Egypt, at the time they lived, was a powerful Empire with its influence stretching as far as the Euphrates River in Syria.

When the couple died they were buried in KV46 in the Valley of the Kings. The tomb was discovered in 1905 and excavated. Architecturally its quite simple, having a staircase entryway, corridor and burial chamber. The walls are undecorated. Although the tomb was robbed in antiquity, perhaps as many as three times, the sarcophagi and mummies were still intact. Among the remains found were a mummified goose with its head, wingtips and feet removed.

Although I cant post a picture of the mummies themselves due to copyright reasons, I can say that that they are incredibly well preserved right down to the shape of the hair and the detail around the eyes. There has been speculation that Yuya might have been a foreigner in Egypt, although there is no solid evidence to support this.

New Research Results

The new research, carried out by Dr. Zahi Hawass and his team, paints a rather intimate picture of this ancient couple.

Yuya had a long narrow head and long slender fingers, and, for someone who died in his 50s, does not seem to be in chronically bad health. Unlike his unfortunate grandson, he had no club foot, spinal deformationor cleft palette. He did suffer from malaria at some point, but this may not have been what killed him. He alsosuffered from dental problems (very common in Ancient Egypt) and a hernia.

All in all, these are not long-term medical ailments that would have impeded him from a military role. Take away his malaria and hernia, imagine him 20 years younger, and there doesntappear to be a good reason why he couldnt join a modern day army.

His wife on the other hand, King Tuts great-grandmother, was in rough shape. Like her husband she too died at some point in her 50s. She also suffered from a hernia, malaria and dental problems. But Thuya also suffered from severe kyphoscoliosis, which meant that her spine was bent way out of shape. She also had arteriosclerosis, which means that her artery walls were lined up with fat.

Inherited the Wrong Genes?

Their great-grandson, King Tut, seems to have had a run of bad luck when it came to health.To put it bluntly, he was in worseshape in his teens then his great-grandfather was when he was an old man. The Boy King had a Cleft Palate and a mild case of kyphoscoliosis, and his feet were awful, to say the least.He had clubfoot on his left and a condition called Pes Planus on his right, which means that the arch of the foot was collapsed and came in contact with the ground.To make matters worse, hehad a fractured leg.It islikely that hehad to use a cane to get around. With these ailments its pretty hard to see him riding chariots or campaigning far away from home.

To find out more about the family line of King Tut, and the (possibly related) medical conditions suffered by King Tut, watch King Tut Unwrapped on the Discovery Channel, February 21st and 22nd (UK &Europe dates), and check Heritage Key for updates.

King Tut’s Medical History and Autopsy Report

Tut's face We are just learning fresh news about research on King Tut’s mummy, in advance of tomorrow’s publication in the American Medical Journal of the results of the most recent DNA and other tests. Over the years, there have been many different theories, but now we can scientifically prove what killed the Boy King, his parentage, and other health conditions affecting him at the time of his death.

Early Research

KV62 – Tut’s tomb – was discovered by Howard Carter in 1922. Multiple attempts at proving kinship between various royal mummies have been made since then, including tests by Connolly (1976), Flaherty (1984) and Harrison (1969). In the case of Tutankhamun and Smenkhare, these tests have included estimates of both mummies’ blood groups in order to compare them.

Both mummies share the same rare blood type (group A2, and both with the serum antigen MN), suggesting close consanguinity.

In 2000, Tutankhamun was due for testing again. This time, a Japanese team would attempt tot extract DNAfrom the mummy. Shortly after the announcement was made, the Egyptian government decided to revise the granted permissions, and the planned geneaology and paleopathology research was cancelled.

The Two Fetuses – King Tut’s Daughters

In the case of the two fetuses found in KV62, the DNAtest confirmed a theory. The two girls have different body shapes, but their DNAwould quickly prove if they really are sisters, and even twins – as suggested by Connolly. He believes the difference are symptoms of a rare event in which one twin consumes more nutrients from the mother than the other, and is therefore born much bigger and stronger. Dr. Connolly explained this theory to me himself, when I was attending Manchesters KNH Centre for Biomedical Egyptology in 2008.

Premature or severely ill newborn babies hardly ever survived in Ancient Egypt, and often a child died in the mother’s womb. It is very probable that Tutankhamun’s daughters are an example of this, as they were far from full-grown: they died at five and six months gestation.

One of Tut's daughters

The First CT-scans

In 2005, Madeeha Katthab, Dean of the Medical Department of Cairo University, together with his team and aided by specialists from Italy and Switzerland, performed a CAT scan of Tutankhamun’s mummy (using equipment kindly donated by National Geographic and Siemens Medical Solutions).

Based on these scans, in 2007, Dr. Benson Harer was the first to suggest that King Tut’s early death might have been linked to the pharoah’s leg.

An interesting detail worth mentioning from Harer’s research is that if Tutankhamun had a deficient immune system, ancient Egyptians were already knowledgeable in this area. Black cumin oil was known in Egypt as a stimulant and as an reinforcing agent for the immune system. When the tomb of Tutankhamun was first opened, archaeologists discovered a bottle of black cumin oil, no doubt gifted to the King to ensure a painless afterlife.

Where Was His Willy?

Not related, but too funny not to mention, is that Tutankhamuns lost phallus had been hiding in the sandbox (the sand around the mummy) since the 1960s. The missing member generated a lot of controversy; it is clearly present in Burton’s photographs, but at a certain point disappears from the (not Burton) picture. King Tut’s member was rediscovered by Dr Hawass in 2006, who found that it had never left the sandbox after all.

The Murder Conspiracy

Speculations about Tut’s cause of death – and his missing penis – started in 1968, when a team from Liverpool University, led by Professor Ronald Harrison, X-rayed Tutankhamun’s body in his tomb. These images revealed a possible blunt force injury to the back of the King’s head and the presence of what looked like bone fragments inside the skull.

I learned from Dr. Connolly (I also had a glance at the original X-rays myself) that the bone fragments inside Tutankhamuns skull, commonly called the vault, were small fragments from the smallest bones we have in the skull next to the eyes and nose (nasal, lachrymal and palatine). These tiny bones break easily, so could have well been damaged in the process of mummification.

tut's legs

Break a Leg

The pathological condition that King Tut suffered in his leg was a bone inflammation that, according to the recent released article, was enhanced by his weakened immunity system.

Sir Marc Armand Ruffer studied several Egyptian bodies. Writing in 1921, he described the typical condition of leg bones: “In contrast to the spine, the femurs showed, as a rule, but slight lesions, and even these did not occur often. Altogether only nine femurs showed any lesions, the most pronounced of which, at the upper end.”

Osteomyelitis is the inflammation of the marrow cavity; thirty-one cases were noted on twenty-six individuals from the Predynastic cemetery at Naga ed-Der. The tibia and maxilla are the most frequent affected bones, with ten examples known for the tibia.

Elliot Smith and Wood Jones nevertheless concluded that inflammatory diseases of bone were rarely seen in ancient Egyptian skeletons. New data published show they also found that “the left second metatarsal head was strongly deformed and displayed a distinctly altered structure, with areas of increased and decreased bone density indicating bone necrosis.”

One Pharoah, 130 Walking Sticks

The deformities found in King Tut’s foot indicate that the disease was ongoing at the time of his death. Since Howard Carter discovered 130 whole and partial examples of sticks and canes in the kings tomb, we might say that ancient Egyptians prepared themselves well for the afterlife. These finds support the hypothesis of a walking aid being a necessity for the young kings travel after death. Some of the canes found in KV62 are worn, which consolidates the idea that he must have needed some kind of cane to walk.

A Rather Rare Physiognomy?

According to Dr. Corthals, genotype defines phenotype, so, the application of DNA testing can also help to determinate if the strange physiognomy observed in depictions of Akhenaten and his children – possibly including Tutankhamun – may derive from a genetic corridor set up by his ancestors, meaning a genetically-inherited feature.

During the New Kingdom, the environment did not changed substantially enough to disrupt a genetic trace, so it would be possible to confirm Akhenatens genetic characteristic and its passage to his offspring.

The research also concludes that the KV55 mummy, who is most probably Akhenaten, is probably the father of Tutankhamun

The newly published article in JAMA states that “a Marfan diagnosis cannot be supported in these mummies.” This means that all the theories suggesting feminine traits in this dynasty crumble, as science – once again – proves them wrong.

The full text reads: “Macroscopic and radiological inspection of the mummies did not show specific signs of gynecomastia, craniosynostoses, Antley-Bixler syndrome or deficiency in cytochrome P450 oxidoreductase, Marfan syndrome, or related disorders.”

Another fascinating part of this study is that, in many cases, DNA analysis (see how they take the samples in this photo preview of ‘King Tut Unwrapped’) provides information that makes it possible to detect an otherwise invisible infection.

Akhenaten is the Father of King Tut (Probably)

The research also concludes that the KV55 mummy, who is most probably Akhenaten, is probably the father of Tutankhamun. According to the latest scientific data published today in the JAMA (Ancestry and Pathology in King Tutankhamun’s Family), “Syngeneic Y-chromosomal DNA in the Amenhotep III, KV55, and Tutankhamun mummies indicates that they share the same paternal lineage.”

KV55 is thought to have housed Akhenatens body and the article clearly states that “…the KV55 mummy, who is most probably Akhenaten, father of Tutankhamun. The latter kinship is supported in that several unique anthropological features are shared by the 2 mummies and that the blood group of both individuals is identical.”

However, this does not mean the identification of the mummy in KV55 is conclusive.

A Mean Case of Malaria

Last but not least, after PCR amplification of DNA samples they found indicative proof of at least a double infection with the P falciparum parasite (malaria) in Tutankhamun, as well as the mummies of his ancestors Thuya and Yuya. The type diagnosed is malaria tropica, the most severe form of this disease. Although Tut’s relatives suffered from malaria as well, they lived much longer than him. Apossible explanation is that, although they all lived in a malaria endemic area, the ladies did not suffer from the same other pathologies (almost all of the above) that Tutankhamun did.

The photos of Tut and his daughters I’ve mentioned can be consulted in a publication by Leek F. The Human Remains from the Tomb of Tutankhamun. Oxford, UK: Tutankhamun Tomb Series V; 1972. More bibliography on the serological tests, previous tests done on Tut and his daughters can be browsed in the JAMA article references list.

Leg fracture and brain malaria cause King Tut’s death?

King Tut's legsAhead of tomorrow’s press conference on King Tut’s DNAand relatives, some of the news already escaped. Pharoah Tutankhamun died of complications from a broken leg aggravated by malaria. And his family? ‘Most likely’ (still) Akhenaten is the daddy, with one of Akhenaten’s sisters being Tutankhamun’s mum (and thus also his aunt!).

The article – to be published tomorrow in the Journal of the American Medical Association alongside the press conference – contains results of over two years of research in two different dedicated ‘mummy labs’.

It was already (though maybe not that widely) known that King Tut was not murdered, and most likely died because of complications after a leg fracture. CT-scans and DNAtests by the team of scientists now confirm this, adding that the young king was already weakened, and his condition after fracturing his leg was aggravated by a nasty case of cerebral malaria.

Tutankhamun sufferered from a cleft palate (like his presumed father, Akhenaten) and had a club foot (like presumed grandfather, Amenhotep III). In combination with Kohler’s disease (a lack of bloodflow causes the bone tissue to die, then bone to collapse) this must have severely weakened his immune system over time.

More details are likely to follow (or so we hope) after tomorrow’s press conference. Nevermind that one!Please, follow me here for some splendid photographs of the DNA sampling in KV62, courtesy Discovery Channel.