Tag: Lady carnarvon

Video Shoot at Highclere with Lord Carnarvon

Heritage Key takes a trip to explore the British spirit of adventure, where we’ll be meeting with Lord and Lady Carnarvon at Highclere Castle . We are shooting some new video that will dig deeper into information about the man who funded Howard Carter’s work as well as the history of the incredible castle itself. We hope to be able to share new images and more insight into the tomb paintings and key artefacts of King Tut.

Let us know if you have any questions – You might get them onto the video. You can use the comments box below, our contact page – or you can email me direct.

It’s an archaeovideo journey to the heart of one of the nation’s great explorers – from his very own descendents. But there’s much more to our trip to Hampshire than the life story of Lord Carnarvon. We’ll be speaking to Lady Carnarvon on Tutankhamun‘s mysterious wall paintings – available

Was Carnarvon struck by the mummy’s curse?

in stunning detail in King Tut Virtual. We’ll also be heading out and about in the castle in its grounds, showing you the magnificent headquarters for the ancient world’s greatest discovery.

Lord Carnarvon is one of the Era of Discovery’s biggest names, and our special series of videos will show you the story behind his intrepid journeys into Egypt, and the myriad issues which befell his and Howard Carter‘s fateful mission to locate KV62, the richest tomb in Ancient Egypt.

Carnarvon was a true explorer with a passion for history, photography and motor car racing. Was he the victim of the mummy’s curse? And how close were the pair to ending their Theban odyssey? Whose discovery was it? And why was the Lord buried in a remote corner of the Highclere Castle grounds? We’ll be answering all these questions and much, much more right here at Heritage Key!

Don’t forget we’ve got a whole host of archaeovideos out nearly every day – from the perils of Venice to the riddle of the Sphinx. This week’s highlights include an interview with Petrie Museum curator Stephen Quirke on the museum’s origins under founder Amelia Edwards. Heritage Key – Unlock the Wonders.

Watch a video featuring Lord and Lady Carnarvon, on the discovery of Tutankhamun, here. You can also purchase Fiona Carnarvon’s books right here at Heritage Key –

Buy Carnarvon & CarterHERE

Buy Egypt at Highclere: The Discovery of Tutankhamun HERE