Tag: Inside the egyptian museum

Zahi Hawass’ a Not-So Secret Voyage through London – Book Signing at Harrods’ Waterstone’s

Dr. Zahi Hawass in KV63 photograph by Sandro VanniniDr. Zahi Hawass is coming to London, to promote the massive – you can take that quite literally – art book ‘A Secret Voyage’ and the more normal-sized – but still stunning, we’re sure – ‘Inside the Egyptian Museum with Zahi Hawass’. To the list of must-attend events is now added a book signing at the most famous Egyptian-owned location in London:Harrods.

Book Signing at Harrods

Invited to London’s most famous departement store by owner Mohamed Al Fayed, the Secretary General of the Supreme Council of Antiquities (that’s Dr. Hawass) will sign copies of his new books at Waterstones, Third Floor, on Thursday 10th December – we assume this means you can also bring your copy of The Lost Tombs of Thebes.

A Secret Voyage‘ is a limited-edition – exclusively priced – book from Heritage World Press which chronicles Dr. Hawass adventures as Egypts real-life Indiana Jones and tells his unique story of discovery and exploration. Only 750 copies will be printed, and each one will be signed by the author making it a must-have for collectors with a significant disposable income.

But at Harrod’s, it’s omnia omnibus ubique. Looking for a more moderately priced book to put under your – of course, King Tut themed – christmas tree? Dr Hawass and Sandro Vannini will also be signing copies of ‘Inside the Egyptian Museum‘ (35), which is exclusive to Harrods (and Amazon, at 33.25) in the UK. This guide includes photography from acclaimed – ‘King Tut Treasures’ – photographer Sandro Vannini. (And for your little nephews and nieces there is Egyptian-inspired Lego and/or Playmobil, as far as we know not published by Dr. Hawass. Personally, I predict that this year’s Egyptologist’s-stocking-fillers will be Rosetta Stone mousemats.)

Can’t make it to Harrods the 10th? No worries!You can still attend the reception and special lecture by Dr. Hawass at the British Museum, or even join him and Sandro Vannini for dinner.

A Secret Voyage? Zahi Hawass at the British Museum, London in December

Dr. Zahi Hawass in KV63 photograph by Sandro VanniniHave you always wished to meet Dr. Hawass in person? Now is your chance!The world-famous archaeologist comes to London in December and Heritage World Press invites you to a special lecture by the Egyptologist – and maybe even dinner. Zahi Hawass will also introduce his two new books: Inside the Egyptian Museum and A Secret Voyage.

Reception &Lecture at the British Museum

Tuesday, 8th of December Dr. Zahi Hawass – probably the world’s most famous Egyptologist – will speak at a special lecture in the British Museum’s lecture theatre, after a reception in the Egyptian Sculpture Gallery. The lecture – where 600 of you will get the chance to hear Dr Hawass tell about his work – is organized by Heritage World Press and the British Egyptian Society to celebrate the launch of the SCA’s Secretary General’s new book.

Dr Hawass’ ‘A Secret Voyage’ chronicles his adventures as Egyptologist:the stories of his discoveries and explorations, illustrated with outstanding images by Sandro Vannini. Each of the 700 limited edition art quality books – selling for 2600each – will be signed by Sandro Vannini and Dr. Hawass, and the first copy will be gifted to – the director of the British Muesum – Neil Macgregor (unlikely in exchange for the Rosetta Stone).

Heritage World Press quotes Zahi Hawass as saying: “I have two great passions in my life:Egyptology and storytelling.”Having watched all of his videos, I can’t help but agree to that. The passion with which he brings to life the story of Zakaria Goneim (watch the video) or talks about the treasures found in the basement of the Cairo Museum (watch the video) is truly magical.

Dinner with Dr. Hawass at the Reform Club, London

If after the special lecture and reception in the Egyptian Sculpture Gallery you want more, then why don’t you join Dr. Zahi Hawass, Sandro Vannini, Baroness Liz Symons of Vernham, Philip Bassett and Mr Stephen Byrne for dinner at the Reform Club, 101 Pall Mall, London on Friday 11th of December?

New Books: Inside the Egyptian Museum with Zahi Hawass &ASecret Voyage

‘Inside the Egyptian Museum with Zahi Hawass’ (published by Heritage World Press) is the most recent official guide to the Egyptian Museum in Cairo authorised by the Egyptian Supreme Council of Antiquities (SCA) in which Dr. Hawass takes you on a journey to experience the wonders of Egyptian history. Shortly put, you get to explore the Egyptian Museum in Cairo with the world-famous Egyptologist as your guide.

In this video, Nico follows professional photographer Sandro Sannini documenting the tombs in the Theban Necropolis. The end results of this adventure you can enjoy in the upcoming ‘A Secret Voyage’ and Dr. Hawass’ latest book: ‘The Lost Tombs of Thebes: ALife in Paradise. (Buy the book now!)

Weekly we showcasae some of Sandro Vannini’s most amazing high-resolution photographs from the Tombs as well the treasures of King Tut and Ancient Egypt in General. For more videos starring Zahi Hawass, go to the Heritage Key Video page.

The world’s most famous archaeologist shares his knowledge of the museum’s unrivalled collection – which extends even to the basement, as you can see in this video – and goes into detail about the beautiful statues, the magic of the mummies, the shining gold and – of course – the treasures of King Tut. Scheduled for release in December, you can pre-order ‘Inside the Egyptian Museum’ now.

‘A Secret Voyage: Love, Magic and Mysteries in the Realm of the Pharaohs’ is Dr. Zahi Hawass unique and personal story of discovery and exploration in Ancient Egypt, beautifully illustrated with specially selected photographs from the Theban Necropolis by acclaimed Egypt photographer Sandro Vannini.

The publications promises a true journey through the history of Egypt, from Love in Ancient Egypt to fragments of paintings in tombs long-closed to the public.

To impatient? Still your hunger until December with ‘The Lost Tombs of Thebes: Life in Paradise’, the most recent released book written Dr. Zahi Hawass and Sandro Vannini. As usual it comes with splendid photographs by Sandro Vannini (learn how he does it and watch the video with Dr. Hawass) that capture the past in great detail, making that the book itself can be considered a treasure of ancient Egypt.