Tag: Challenges

Ancient World in London Competition Series Start : Ancient World in London Spotted

Ancient World in London will inspire locals and virtual visitors around the world to make their own discoveries of the old Londinium. This exciting new project will run for 12 weeks, and feature rich content, live events, competitions and quests – both in London itself and in Heritage Key’s virtual experiences. Each week participators will be offered chances to earn points and win tickets to the grand finale event where special travel prizes will be given away.

12 weeks of fun, exploring, competitions and events start On February 12 Tuesday and ends with the Grand Finale on April 24th

It’s easy to participate and it all starts by simply registering to our website. Start now by registering here at Heritage Key.

Once you’ve registered with Heritage Key you will automatically start earning points. In fact, we will give you 47 points up front – just for signing up. If you are already registered, don’t worry – you are already part of the team and you will automatically earn your starting points right away.

  • Each contest , quest event you will get a chance to earn points
  • We will also have other ways to win points such leaving comments, inviting a friend , Read more to learn about earning points here
  • We will add these points to your registered account so you can see how many points you have got
  • At the end of 12 weeks if you have 1066 points and more you will be eligible for the Grand Finale where you will earn more points during the event to be chosen as the winner of the Ancient Worlds in London and win the grand prize which will be announced soon.
  • Each week we will announce the events, competitions and quests for that week along with the points you can earn. Remember though you can still get involved in different ways.
  • If you have heard about it late no worries you can still enter . During the 12 weeks period you will have more then enough time to catch up with 1066 points.
  • While participating in this great event please respect the rules , all entries will be moderated and no spam will be tolerated. You can read about the Competition Rules here.

You can also follow us on Twitter and Facebook, and we would encourage you to join our Ancient World in London Flickr group as many competitions ask you to post photos there.

Photo Contest: Ancient World in London Spotted

Something Old - Something New

The first week we start off with our Ancient World in London Spottedphoto contest. You can participate in this competition by simply taking photos of ancient sights that are in and around London.

You don’t need to have the full professional gear – photos can be taken by any camera, even your iPhone.

How to Play:

Your photo should include an ancient site or artefact in London, and should be clearly titled with the location and the name of the piece. Once you’re happy with your photo you can upload it to our Ancient World in London Flickr group, or tweet it, using the hashtag #heritagekey (remember to include the name and location in your tweet).

You can upload as many photos as you like: the more photos you upload or tweet the more points you get. Each photo will give you 10 points.

During the event we will choose some of those photos and share them on our Facebook group. At the end of the week the winner will be awarded bonus points and the envy of heritage photographers everywhere!

The competition does not stop here. Each week we will announce more chances to participate and earn points in the leadup to the Grand Finale. We would encourage you to enter our Virtual World and get faster to the top marks.

Please follow us daily we have loads coming up.