Fashion Tips for Avatars: How to Look Your Best in the Virtual World

Looking good in Heritage Key Virtual!We spend years getting taught how to dress by our parents, but here in the virtual world you are thrown straight in at the deep end: so at the age of 26 I found myself cold, unhappy, completely confused and desperate for a virtual mum or dad to lift up my arms and put a vest on me.

It might sound ridiculous but I felt after a week of wearing the same old, it was time for a change, but my God, did that change take forever and a day to make!

So Ellie the avatar needed a revamp, but where to go? The avatar centre of course, which is a place that resembles a cross between Paris Hilton’s wardrobe and a plastic surgeon’s catalogue.

I was so thankful for the friendly fairy who found me stark naked and very confused. I suppose I could see him as my avatar‘s much needed dad. He gave me step-by-step advice on what to do and where to click and it’s fair to say that without him I would have been naked and blushing for a very long time!

So here are my top five tips on how to survive a costume change:

Get the perfect hair, body and skin!

1. Cast Modesty Aside

If you can brave it and you’re not too shy, I found it best to take all my clothes off first and start with a blank canvas. Have a dance, it feels good doesn’t it!? Make sure the arrow is over each piece of clothing and right click on the mouse so the ’round sliced cheese’ comes up and then click take off, do this for each piece of clothing until there is nothing between your avatar and virtual reality.

2. Pick and Choose

To get the perfect hair, body, skin and clothes, click on the animation that takes your fancy on the bill boards and let your palm spin that magical dust and click ‘keep’ on your gifts. In the right hand corner – left-click on inventory – type the item you wanted to change into the search box (what you just picked out with magical powers so, top hat and goggles say) and then right click – options will pop up and click on wear… your transformation is under way!
The avatar centre… is a place that resembles a cross between Paris Hilton’s wardrobe and a plastic surgeon’s catalogue

Don’t like what you see? Hair colour not right? Then simply right-click to take off again.

3. Let Your Hair Down

Experiment with styles you wouldn’t normally use: let your hair flow long in wild and exciting ways. It won’t get knotted and needs no maintenance, but it will make you feel a whole lot happier if it’s raining and cold in the real world!

Trying out that stylish Top Hat and Goggles!

4. Practice Your Moves

Experiment with the keys and the options. It is really difficult at first to get to grips with the function of each button, but you will never know what it is for if you don’t try. There are so many options and dont get me wrong: it is really frustrating, but at the same time really quite rewarding once you get to grips with it.

5. Help is at Hand

Although I am throwing you in here,there is a tutorial room where you can get advice and lessons on how to figure out this virtual puzzle. You are sure to see me in there, and if you do make sure you say howdy!